
Dec 29, 2006 18:05

Yesterday my sister's friend Evy from Bristol came over for a sleepover, and we had a great time. We watched lots of movies and Torchwood episodes and took photos...

We went out to the Cinema which was really good, except i spent £12 on popcorn and drinks and Evy only gave me TWO sweets, the cheek. We watched Its A Boy/Girl Thing coz from the adverts it looked basically like a cross between Freaky Friday and She's The Man and stars Samire Armstrong, who’s in Just My Luck and plays Anna in the OC. It was really good, I hadn't been to the cinema in ages so that was really fun.

On the way back I quizzed Evy on what episodes of Torchwood she’d seen and apparently she’d seen them all except Day One, Cyberwoman and Countrycide. All the Chris Chibnall episodes!
So we had KFC and watched Day One on my new Torchwood Eps1-5 DVD. At the bit with the hand Marnie and I explained to Evy that it was the Doctor’s.

ME: And he kept it, see, coz he LURVES him! *giggles*
(Then, unsure Evy would appreciate this, I laughed and decided to take it back)
ME: Just kidding.
EVY: Yeah he does, remember, he kissed him!
MARNIE: Yeah he loves him!
EVY: And Rose.
MARNIE: NO, he didn’t love Rose.
EVY: But they DANCED together!

This led to a very interesting discussion throughout the next three episodes about the sexual orientations of the characters of Torchwood. A very unusual discussion to be having with a couple of twelve-year-olds. I wasn’t sure whether to be disturbed or incredibly impressed.

MARNIE: Jack loves the Doctor! He‘s gay. Sorry, no… bisexual.
ME: Omnisexual.
ME: Omnisexual. It means he’ll shag anything that’s gorgeousness enough.
MARNIE: *laughs* Oh, of course, even aliens!
EVY: And plants.
ME: What?
EVY: He’ll shag anything, even plants *laughs*
ME: *freaked out*

Honestly, I blame myself. I must be a bad influence. Unless they can read my mind or something…

Then when Cyberwoman started, we’d moved on to Ianto.

MARNIE: *sighs* Who would of thought he was hiding a robot girlfriend in the basement.
*Asian scientist man enters*
EVY: Is THAT his girlfriend?
MARNIE: No! He’s not gay. Yet.

We had to watch the two scariest episodes after the other didn’t we? The three of us, squashed up on my little single bed (coz my Dad kicked us out the living room, and I’m the only one with a DVD player in my room) Evy and Marnie squeezing my hands and arms, fighting over me.

MARNIE: Hey! Evie’s MY sister!
EVY: But WE have the same name! We’re name-sisters!

It was quite flattering really.

Also, we is it whenever I watch something with someone that they haven’t seen before and I have, they spend the whole time asking me what happens?! Just watch and find out! In Countrycide (which I had taped off TV) Evy KEPT asking me about the monster.

EVY: Where’s the monster? Was that the monster?
*Gwen and Owen find a dead body*
EVY: Is that the monster? Or a football head person?
ME: Its a dead body.
MARNIE: A really really dead body.

Of course we couldn’t TELL her it wasn’t a monster. I can kinda see the irony of the song at the start now - ‘what’s that coming over the hill? Is it a monster?‘ Actually she was really disappointed at the end when it was just cannibals. Scary child. She makes me laugh, like when the old guy said ‘it makes me happy’ she said she thought he was gonna jump up and bite Gwen. And she said ‘ooh, I bet he likes that…’ when Jack was torturing that guy. And also when the old guy was about to touch up Ianto, right before he head butts him.

*Ianto does big weird grin*
EVY: Ooh… I bet he likes that.
MARNIE: No! He’s not gay. Yet.

And when Tosh was being chased…

MARNIE: Quick Tosh! Wiggle away!
ALL: Wiggle away, Tosh! Wiggle away!
MARNIE: And if it doesn’t work, ROLL!

And when they're trapped in the basement...

IANTO: I never liked caming.
ME: Last time a dog pissed on my tent! *laughs like an idiot*
*Marnie and Evy ignore me*
ME: Remember? Remember that?
*Tosh points out all the shoes*

Yeah... I'm definatly a bad influence.

We also decided that Tosh is bisexual, Owen will just try it on with anyone that comes along, and Gwen is probably just straight (coz she didn’t MEAN to snog that girl *cough cough*).

And of course, finding my digital camera, we had to take lots of photos with the Torchwood DVD to show how much we love it…

WORSHIP! WORSHIP!! (Marnie looks like shes trying to EAT the DVD)

Apparently i look like a vampire here... :S

Ok I think you've got the point...

So we moved the DVD player into Marnie’s room to watch Just My Luck coz I didn’t want us all falling asleep on my tiny bed (Marnie has bunk beds and a sofa… spoilt thing).

Marnie and Evy took the bunk beds

And i had the sofa

Oh NOES!! Evy turned me into a guitar!!

We got to sleep about... half 1?? Actually that's quite early for us LOL :)

MESSAGE FROM MARNIE: Most normal people would be stuffing their faces with chocolate and having pillow fights but we sat and watched Sci-fi! I just read through this and I can't stop laughing! Have a Happy New Year :)

torchwood, photos

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