new yearsss eve

Jan 02, 2006 00:23

new years eve was fuckiin amaziin. everythiing went perfect. s0 ii started off my day takiin a shower..g0in t0 liisa's. we ordered a pizza and drank champaigne. we g0t readii and called j0e , wh0 c0nfiirmed 0f tha h0tel parrty. teeny came 0ver us three liistened t0 musiic and my br0 then dr0pped us 0ff at the h0tell. we were the fiirst 0nez there s0 we walked ar0und and the h0tel wus pretty niice. j0e mark danielle n* rez came and we went in the r00m. me and lisa had 0ur c0r0nas and started d0wnin them liike nuthin'. m-a-t-t n* bambo als0 sh0wed up and we all started haviin fun. i g0t madd fucked up, sm0ked a blunt wiit matt , baambo , j0e n* mark. g0t s0oo high.. draank m0re.. h00ked up wiith my man tho pretty much the wh0le time hAhA.. priick j0e curran and zagar als0 sh0wed up s0 did farbs eddy n* fist0. i l0ved every1 wh0 wuz there 0pp0sed 2 all the 0ther biitchez* we hang 0ut wit. i'm upset juliie couldn't g0 th0. tiime wus g0in by s0 sl0w th0.. curren wus viideo tapiin the wh0le insaniity. pe0ple were 0n aciid, c0ke, k, b0mbs.. drunk as fuck hiigh as hell. matt put hiis aciid tab 0n my t0ngue hAhA i wus like wtf? iit fiinally turned 12 and we enetered the year 2oo6" whiich started 0ff riight, me , liisa , matt *n curren went bak t0 liisa's. me and matt t00k a h0wer t0gether then talked and went int0 her dad's r00m * ii l0ve hiim m0re than anything. he AmAzes me t0 the full extent. i dun kn0 wut i'd d0 with0ut himm. everything was perfect , we fiinally fell asleep, w0ke up in the morning. matt and curren went to the st0re whiile me and liisa watched tiitanic .<3 they came back and the b0ys made us an amazing breakfast. we watched m0re m0vies , but sat 0n 0ur asses all day. later 0n t0nite we went t0 massepequa t0 see this witches h0use. it's creepy as fUCK* ii swear. there's these candles that light up in these t0wers that g0 all the way up.. they have a hurse in the driiveway. wen we dr0ve past the candles were all liit.. me and matt g0t out 0f the car and l00ked cl0ser. they have creepy statues 0f little kiids .. iit's pretty fuckiin scary.. we dr0ve 2 h0uses d0wn n* liisa dr0pped her st0ge iin the car , but it diisapeared 0ut 0f site and we never f0und it. ii thought wewere g0nna burn liike th0se crazii wiitches put a spell 0n us.. hAhA , i was buggiin * we als0 went t0 farmingdale , scraped my b0wl, g0t a lil biit high, drank sum liqu0r.. at the end 0f the niight we ended up at eddy's h0use , watched th0se weird0z play hal0.. n * then b0unced.. ii'm s0 tiired riite n0w.. thiis new years was pr0bably the best s0 farr. i l0ve may baby , and aLL my h0meb0ys n* babiigiirlss. ii'm glad this new year started riite.
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