(no subject)

Nov 14, 2005 20:52

. happy birthday j o e .

Have you...

1. Fallen for your neighbor? when i was little =X
2. Made out with just a friend? yes.
3. Been rejected? yea
4. Been in love? ..
5. Used someone? yea
6. Been used? yes.
7. Been Kissed? mwah. <3
8. Done something you regret? too many things.

Who was the last person...

10. You talked to? lisa
11. You hugged? matt
12. You instant messaged? doug.
13. You are missing? my brovver.
14. you called? lisa.
15. You yelled at? moms.
16. You laughed with? the crew.
17. Who broke your heart? ..
18. Who told you they loved you? a very special person..
19. You made out with? Mathew.


21. Have any piercings? i only have my tongue peirced. i want more!
23. Own your own house? i wish.
24. Own a nice car? no..
25. Speak any languages other than english? yea.. i can kinda speak italian. :)
26. Cook your own Dinner? in the microwave.
27. color your hair? no, but i want to
28. Have green eyes? yes.
29. Stolen anything? yea
30. Smoked? a pack a day to get me by, and ounce of weed to keep me high.
31. Taken drugs? yes sir.
32. Obsessive? sometimes.
33. Shot a gun? a water gun.
34. Done something illegal? of course.
35. Panic? not really. i try to stay chill.
36. Anxiety? sometimes
37. Depressed? more like mood swings.
38. Control Freak? no
39. Obsessed with hate? no. <3


40. If you were a cartoon character, what would you be like? the pwerpuff girls.
42. Can you do anything freakish with your body? i can stick my tongue to my nose.
43. What feature do you find most attractive on girls/guys? eyes and hair. tattoos and peircings.
44. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? maybe
45. Would you marry for money? maybe. if i was dead broke.
46. Have you had braces? no
47. Do you wear lip gloss? yes.
48. Do you sing in the shower? of course.
49. Do you play any sports? used to..
50. Could you live without a computer? yea
51. Do you use AOL, MSN, Yahoo? AOL.
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