Nov 06, 2011 19:45
[See this, Adstring? This is the interior of the Varia mansion.]
[And look at this. It's a certain froggy that hasn't been seen for the past week, sitting right there on the couch, with a certain rainbow sheep and hypnotoad snuggled up right next to him.]
[But this time, said froggy looks a little bit....different.]
[It might just be the handcuffs keeping him fastened to the sofa, or the blindfold that is tightly around his eyes, or maybe the ball and chain attached to his right ankle.]
[Subtle differences, really.]
I have advice for all of you. I'm guessing that this thing decided to record me.
If you go out into the wastelands, please make sure that the people you live with aren't controlling idiots who apparently need to keep track of you at all times and believe that three days equals a week. Master, take advantage of that school you love the uniform of so much and learn basic math, please.
Also, make sure that they know how to achieve basic house cleaning without you as well. Idiot prince, I can smell your room from here. It's disgusting.
That's all.
[Someone's bitter.]
[He tries once again to get comfortable on the couch, but fails- the ball and chain, sheep, toad and all that getting in the way.]
well fuck this,
fran is slowly going nuts,
master is a dick,
fuck it srsly,
my housemates are shit,
i'm surrounded by crazy,
fuck my luck,
what is this i don't even,
fcking genny,
gtfo they're my secrets,
why do animals love me,
well okay then