Ok, so I haven't been on here for what feels like ages. To be honest; I just didn't have the energy for it. Catching up with social media like Twitter and Facebook, that I could handle.. but not much more than that.. Sorry. And of course the moments that I did want to get on here, the site was down.. just my luck I guess.
But anyway, here I am again!
I wanted to show you all my sea otter tattoo!! Got it finished last Tuesday :D
Isn't it cute?! I will make a better picture of it once it is fully healed :)
I also went to a try-out show of Sara Kroos (Dutch comedian). We arrived 1 minute after 9.. she was supposed to start at 9. Luckily she didn't, haha. Thanks to the lovely gentleman of the theater we even got seats at front row! The show was really funny, especially when she made jokes that didn't work out xD and her new songs are amazing. I also loved it that she asked the audience questions.. Which led to me talking about sea otters, so her show was also a bit about sea otters, lol. And well, because she noticed that I love animals, she asked me to remove a little spider of her keyboard. So I did, while the entire audience was watching xD. They even gave me an applause, yay, haha.
After the show I got a picture taken of Sara and me :D
Anyway, since I've hardly posted anything in March and nothing at all in April, I will post an update about those months tomorrow or so! Cause of course a lot of things happened that you all need to know about, haha.
Sorry if I've missed out on important events in your lives!!! Please tell me if I did so.
How are you all doing? I hope everyone's feeling good and happy and yay and stuff :)