Last night was the best night of LIFE. EVER.
DAN DEACONNN! Okay okay. I had this fantastic spot which is kind of hard/boring to describe because of how the stage was set up, but at any given time I was right in front of/right behind Dan Deacon, dancing madly! He is such a great performer, and the audience was so into it, and it was so loud and upbeat that...I don't know how to finish that sentence. I'm still trying to think of adjectives to justify that show. It was like, you know when something smells so strongly that you can kind of taste it too? It was like that, but with sound and it consumed all your senses, and then beat them with sticks (in this metaphor that's a good thing!). It was like all thought stopped to make room for the experience of being there, and when the show ended, it was really difficult to resume thinking about the inane things that usually fill my head. I was left in a uninterruptible state of wide-eyed awe until I got home an hour and a half later.
Also never have I been so glad I don't have epilepsy; the A/V thing they did at the beginning of the set, called Ultimate Reality, is intensely seizure-inducing. And did I buy that bitch on DVD or WHAT! It's like electro meets Arnold Schwarzenegger + Keanu Reeves films meets more bright colours than you can even imagine.
The opening band was shit, though. They're one of those bands that a more inexperienced showgoer version of myself would have thought was good until the proper good band would come on and remind me what proper good is; however, I've stopped tricking myself into thinking shit bands are not shit. They're called DD/MM/YYYY and I would best describe them as sounding like Neils Children only bad, or Lovely Feathers meets lots of circuit boards meets Ever So Clever (but lacking the latter's frankly very necessary sense of humour). Anyway.
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I finally got his CD-I've been trying for months, but it's impossible to find and I didn't want to order it. BUT
here it is. One of the songs is from iTunes and I forgot to switch it for a non-DRM track, so if anyone wants it, say so!
Other than that, my life has been pretty usual the past couple weeks. Class, watch sitcoms (British comedy [Black Books! Never Mind the Buzzcocks! Spaced! Saxondale! Hot Fuzz! Shaun of the Dead!] is the best thing that has ever happened to me), etc. Lots of shows, too: last week I saw Peter Bjorn and John (Young Galaxy opened! Best ever!) with Steph, and then Tokyo Police Club played for free (outdooors, wtf Canadians and their/our winter festivals) on Saturday, and those were good. This Saturday, The Weakerthans are playing for free, also outdoors, then on Monday it's The Spice Girls, and the following Saturday I will finally get to see that bitch Cat Power. Whoa!