Last night, Marisha, Mandy, Mike, Eamon, and I took geek to a whole new level by going to see
HARRY AND THE POTTERS last night. We had originally planned to see a Polish film about the Ten Commandments, but when this second event came up we decided to vote on which we'd all prefer to go to. Then, however, Marisha and Eamon got held up and we decided it would be better to be late for Harry and the Potters than an already short film that was farther away. And now the requisite, "It was amazing!" because I don't know how else to segue to the part where I talk about why that is.
I hate naming genres of music for many reasons, but using the word "punk" especially bothers me because we aren't in the '70s/early '80s anymore. That said, that's how I can best describe them. Their music is definitely not pop* (they even have a grindcore and a spoken word song, hahaha), and it's all about damning the man (namely Voldemort). They were constantly talking/singing about fighting evil with rock and love and all that, it was terrific. They had collared shirts and broken glasses falling off their heads and Seth-Cohenesque Jew 'fros and one of them had a dirt lip, but they were by far the coolest ones in the room and knew it. It was a great show, they were really good at including the audience, plus it was in a really small venue to begin with. And they actually pretended to be Harry Potter, both of them! They would talk about events (most of which I didn't know of) in the books as if they'd actually happened. It was all very marvelous. Unfortunately, they aren't nearly as good on record as they are live.
Mandy and Mike, shot with the Leica while we were trying to figure out wtf was going on with Marisha and Eamon!
Check out the ugly and nerdy Gryffindor border I made by copy and pasting a picture of one of their ties. Haha, oh god.
They questioned Marisha's desire for them to make the glasses face because they already had glasses, but in the end she prevailed.
While my dislike of Harry Potter and its following has waned since betting a few years ago that I could completely avoid reading the books or watching the movies, I still don't like it. That said, I find the whole
Wizard Rock genre that has come from this fandom most intriguing. I'm eagerly awaiting the appearance of a documentary two girls made about the genre. Read about it all
*Not that pop is, in any way, a bad thing.