Mmm. Slimy Vegetables.

Nov 04, 2009 19:34

I hate Subway. It is the poop of all the sub sandwich establishments. Harry Teeters makes a much better sub.

here's something: I somehow managed to spend over $700 last week! I know that $480 of it went towards a doctors bill but the rest? Halloween. I felt like I was being smart about my purchases though. I couldn't have spent over $100 on decorations and I strongly doubt that I spent $50 on my costume. Its definitely a shock considering I have been saving my money lately to buy a car. And here I am $700 down the drain that I don't receive a return on. I mean, that money could be used to get big things. like a car. See where I'm going here?

God. People are having babies and getting married (in that order sometimes) and its crazy. I mean, if they are happy then good for them. Nothing is better. But I just couldn't imagine what life would be like if i had a baby or a husband. I mean. I just cant. Not yet. And then you see those pictures on facebook of them with their children and husbands. God. Some people look really good and very happy with either/or. But some? Shit. I mean. Put down the baby because its neck isn't supposed to bend like that when it can't support its head yet. Stupid. it just makes me mad sometimes.

Welp! I have noticed some changes lately. I feel healthy. Actually healthy. And I know that I could still be healthier, but I am in a good place right now! I dunno I mean I'm taking a multivitamin and I have been working out for a while now on the mostly regular. Diana and I just walked 5 miles yesterday, and we are going to again on Thursday. Aaand life is good :)

Oh yeah and I have developed these huge calluses on my fingers from playing the guitar. They have come and gone in the past but I guess I have just been playing a lot more lately, too. Iss gerd.
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