Monday Monday

Jan 16, 2012 08:18

This morning I woke up early, as I always do, and decided to get out of the house and treat myself to coffee and a pumpkin scone (NOM) at my favorite Starbucks.  I don't much care if you sneer at me (I know how many people feel about Starbucks), because sometimes it just feels good to sit someplace warm and clean with free wifi and comfy seats, surrounded by the smell of brewing coffee and the hiss and rattle of industrial size espresso machines, the sounds of which reminds so much of the love of my life Lady Florence.  Plus, this morning they handed out free samples of salted caramel macchiatos so tasty it makes my knees weak.

Random, wandering post ahead.  I'll walk slowly.

This weekend we get three days off in the United States for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, and I admit I'm not exactly using my time in a productive manner.  I should be working in the yard or puttering around the house, but I think I'll forgive myself for wanting to just do as I please for a few days.  After all, I won't lie in my death bed filled with pride over that time I dug up a shrub in my yard when I could have been doing some writing or catching up on movies or working on my photos.

Saturday morning I was in the shower and got water in my ear, which has yet to get out.  I've tried every remedy possible (no joke, every single one), but so far nothing has helped.  Almost everything I hear out of that ear sounds like Charlie Brown's teacher and I keep hoping if I'm patient it will go away, but this is day three with no relief. I fear I'm going to have to see the doctor about it, a notion that thrills me to no end.

On Saturday Chris and I decided to take a short road trip to Sacramento for a little shopping.  The weather was perfection, and it wasn't really crowded anywhere we went.  We hit IKEA, grabbed the cheap but tasty breakfast, bought all sorts of random stuff (shelves, kitchen utensils, hooks, pictures frames, etc) and then hit the mall.  There's a Toys-R-Us near the mall we go to, which I always check out in case they've got new Superman stuff, and I found the Best Thing Ever:  a replacement Tiny Camera!  The one I bought and used several years ago didn't survive the last computer upgrade, and then it lost its tiny mind and started deleting photos randomly.  The Tiny Camera 2 that I found is actually a GI Joe digital camera for kids, but it's just what I was looking for. It was all of $5 and I suspect I'm going to get more than $5 of fun out of it.  I've taken a dozen photos just sitting here at Starbucks and I can't wait to see how they turn out.  Stay tuned.

We also went to the Macy's in Sacramento and stumbled across some pretty good sales.  I walked out with some Ralph Lauren clothes that normally would have cost $160 for $22.  Thanks, Great Recession!

The guy sitting next to me this morning has a MacBook Pro, and it's all I can do not to steal it while he's in the bathroom.  I've been wanting to make the leap to Mac for a few months now, but I simply can't justify the expense, so matter how how cool and sexy and useful and fun they are.  I could afford it (hush, I'm not being snotty about it), but I just can't talk myself into spending the money. I'm starting to suspect I'll never be able to shake that poor kid inside me.  Will I ever stop feeling guilty for enjoying the fruits of my labor?  I swear, I can't tell you how many times I've gone shopping and I've  found something I love for a decent price that I put it back and tell myself it's not a good use of my money.  I mean, I know we all do that, but it's practically a highlighted feature of my personality.

There is literally only one customer in the building who is younger that me this morning.  It's like the waiting room of a doctor's office office in here.  At least with my blocked ear, I can't hear all the conversations that I'm certain are revolving around ailments and the obituary page.  Unfortunately this also means I can't eavesdrop on anything interesting.  I've got this expression I call my "wallpaper face"  that allows me to blend in with the background and observe a room without being noticed.  It's an effective camouflage that often comes in handy.

In addition to the free samples of the salted caramel macchiatos this morning, they also just handed out free bags of the new Stabucks Blonde Veranda blend.  Score!

I'm using the iPad this morning, so if any of my syntax, spelling or word choices seems peculiar, it's because I'm not going to bother proof reading this entry.  Lazy Matt expresses his sincere apologies.

The guy sitting next to me (on the side with my good ear) with the beautiful MacBook Pro has an accent I've been trying to place ever since he picked up the phone a half hour ago. I've pinpointed Texas, and I'm fairly sure I'm right. He just said, "He looked her in the AHAYE" and that's a Texan twang fer sure.

I think it's time to post this and hit the bricks.  I haven't yet figured out what I want to do today, but there might be a movie in my future.  I hope the people who shape your day take it easy on you.  Have a bowl of ice cream, you deserve it.
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