I've got a couple of new posts up on
Greetings Citizens, one from last weekend and another from tonight. The format looks a little different than it used to (as explained in tonight's post), and I made so many customized pieces on the former version that it's going to take me a while to figure out how to do it all again. Web design is fascinating but really challenging, particularly when you've had no experience and you're learning as you go. I need to take some classes, because there are lots of ways I want to expand the site, but I don't know how without turning the whole thing into one giant "404 Page Not Found" site.
Today was downright pleasant in the weather department, so thank you to whoever ordered that for us. We actually had some clouds and there were moments when I was outside that I didn't actually want to run screaming back into the building with sizzling skin. BRING IT ON, FALL.
I think I'm going to take it easy tonight and do a little reading. I've got a ton of things to do tomorrow and the mere thought of it all is daunting. Chores, BAH.