Why am I up this early on a day off?

Jul 14, 2011 08:38

The weather is so perfect this morning, it's hard to imagine we're ever going to be scorched this summer.  The brutal heat isn't gone for good, but even one day of a break is more than welcome.  More of these please, universe.

I'm back to work tomorrow.  I have no idea how the time slipped past me, but there you go.  Work days usually feel 25 hours long but vacation days last about 12 seconds.  Am I the only one who has noticed this?  Why isn't anyone doing anything about it?  I should write a strongly worded letter to some authority somewhere.  Isn't there an agency for Time Displacement or Temporal Anomolies or something?

I put up a new posting over at the site.  Click on over, there are comfortable chairs and mojitos, or iced tea if you'd rather.  The bartender is out of town, but I'm happy to fetch a drink for you.  Fair warning, I do make them strong.

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