Apr 13, 2008 09:05
yesterday we had an amazingly warm and beautiful day up here. seattle hit 78 degrees. so what did we do? we went skiing.
alpental still has a 202" base and the warm sun actually made for some really fast corn conditions.
the skandis have been giving me shit all season for being a 'stereotypical american skier' in that i ski 'sååå jævelig fort' (way too fucking fast) and don't stop and chat mid-run. i've been writing them off as fatties but yesterday i gave in and tried it their way: fatty fat euro-skiing. we would ski for a few minutes, find a nice spot above the cliffs and then strip down and lay in the sun. and eat. and talk about funny things. and then ski some more, and then stop for a beer. and then strip down and lay in the sun. repeat. i think i could get used to this.
the avalanches were cool to watch too--with such a hot day (and all of the new snow we got earlier in the week) everything was sliding. a fucking huge cornice came off the ridge and took out a tree right in the middle of edelweiss bowl. during the day two large wet-slides buried powderbowl and one came down shot six and blocked the cat-track that goes to lower international. made for some exciting skiing :-) and i have a sweet google-line sunburn to boot.
after skiing we watched some live reggae music, drank more beer and then did the tourist thing for johan and hiked down to the base of snoqualmie falls. and then in the evening we sat on the porch in warm-ass seattle and enjoyed the warm air while drinking yet more beer.
today we're going climbing at little si.