Knock Out King

Jul 27, 2005 13:19

So I have been dubed the knock out king thanks to some ppl. I got in three fights in two days and never went down. Im sick of ppl talking shit all the time if you got something to say then say it my face if shut the hell up. The other night was wounderful......Daniel Chris Jason and I where just driving on the highway talking to trucker with Daniels CB. Truckers are funny untell they box you in or start chasing youdown the highway. Then you know talking shit to cops on the highway isnt smart too but your talking to kids that go to jail for runnin over water sprinkilers or fighting. Last was ok the alarm went off at olive garden do we all drove up there and I got out of my truck in all my fire fighter gear and asked the man what the problem was, he said the where just power washing and it went off. We all knew that was a cover up. I can't wait till Melissa gets back in town things will be so much better.
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