Yesterday, David and I walked around downtown so I could build my resevoir of reference photos. Or, rather, start my resevoir. Technically, I started it awhile ago, but most of those pictures are sitting on a shelf undeveloped somewhere. These were instantaneous, though, through the magic of Heather's digital camera. This is just ten of the 174 that I took yesterday:
That last one wasn't so much for reference or as an "artistic" picture, but I just couldn't resist. We passed this window while we were walking. Months ago, when the St. Louis soccer team "The Steamers" was just getting started, they ran an ad campaign with a tagline that was something like "Next step: Uniforms" and it was pictures of the entire team holding soccer balls to hide their naughty bits. Caused a bit of a stir around here.
Anyway, that's all I've got for now. I didn't feel like posting all 174 pictures...