* This week is all about the color red and only the color red. Your challenge this week is to create a an icon that features the color red. Whether you tint it red, use a red lighting effect, leave only Supes' cape colored, whatever, it must be red. No other colors may be present, just lots and lots of red. Pink does not count.
* Here are some galleries to help get you started. Sorry, I don't know where to find George Reeves pics:
Smallville Dedication>>
Caped Wonder>>
Teri Hatcher Online - L&C Pics>>
Kate Bosworth Online - SR Pics* Must meet LJ standards (40K, 100x100).
* There are no restrictions on text, textures, or brushes.
* Blending is fine.
* Submission date: December 14th by 10:00 pm EST.