Hi All!
My name is Christy and I will be your Round Two mod for The Superman Grand Icontest! (fanfare)
I'm so excited and humbled to be a part of this community as not only do we have an amazing fandom to support, but also I think we can give any fandom a run for their money in terms of talented fans.
With that said, I am going to open up ROUND TWO to anyone who would like to sign up!
There are a few rules to keep things organized, but you can also expect to have a lot of fun in the process! So before signing up, please check out the rules for this round and ready those graphic programs and prepare to show off your awesomeness!
1. Please get your icons in on time. I'm going to make sure you have plenty of notice so that this will be as easy as possible with all of our busy lives. Getting your icons in on time makes it easier on me so I can get things moving and get the voting and then the results up asap! :)
2. We will have 10 rounds in total and each participant should plan to crank out 8 icons by the end of the round. You are of course welcome to submit all 10 rounds if you like, but once you hit 8 we'll stop scoring.
3. Every challenge we will have a 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winner along with mods choice! (For bribes please send your checks too...) Since this is a contest by definition we will award points for each win as well as each mod choice
1st Place - 5 points
2nd Place - 3 points
3rd Place - 2 points
Mod Choice - 1 point
4. You icon must be 100x100; 40kb or smaller. No animations unless mentioned.
5. Please don't post your icon anywhere else until the votes are in an all has been revealed. You are loved and you are awesome and people will vote for you if they know it is yours. So go ninja just until the icons and their makers are unveiled, mmkay pumkin?
6. If you need a place to host an icon, try PhotoBucket, TinyPic, or ImageShack. But I'll also be hosting them so the identities remain hidden...as we have already established, people will vote for you because you're awesome :)
7. If you wanna play, reply to this entry and thou shalt be added! Just let me know which journal you'll be using and we'll be set! Once we have 15 people playing we'll stop there and the games will begin!
* Once you sign up, have a look at the
pimping post. There will be some extra pimpage oppurtunities this go round!
* Having fun will be strictly enforced ;)
* Just so I know ya read the rules, would you give me your favorite Superman actor? Yeh. I know. I'm crafty.
-blows kisses-
**There will also be two bonus rounds at end of the round including a banner contest to spruce up the community's look as well as a 'set of 5' round for those of you who can't get enough photoshopping!