Nov 22, 2004 11:30
This weekend was pretty fun for me, well almost. Why? Because I went on a field trip with my english teacher to a camp by the NCCJ. It was pretty fun because I got a chance to share my views and opinions with other people of different races including my own on different topics such as racism, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. It was cool because I met different people of different schools and races and I got to spend the weekend with some in a cabin. It was all going my well until one of my friends, or at least I still consider her a friend despite some problems we had recently, I don't know if she still considers me her friend. Well this past whole weekend she's been acting like a bitch towards me and treating me like crap. I'm not gonna say her name because I don't want to put her out in the open. When I try to talk to her she gives me attitude. Friday morning I asked her if she can hold my cd's while i run to the store to buy some deodorant she said no and I didn't get mad i just forgot about it. when i tried to talk to her she ignore me and pretend she didn't hear me. And when i wasn't even talking to her she would get pissed, for example, we were walking down stairs yesterday and some guy i knew said to be careful because the steps were slippery so i said, "no shit sherlock". I said that to play around because me and him are cool like that and she told to just be quiet with an attitude. I don't care anymore, I'm not going to be upset over bullshit like that, i don't care if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore. Thats just one less person to put me down when they're acting bitchy. I'm being the better person by just not saying anything to her and just forget about her.
What do you do when a friend starts to act this way?