done with p-chem (for now)

Dec 13, 2006 13:16

The rigerous error value of a given function is equal to the sum of the derivitives of that function with respect to each individual variable in that function multiplied by the rigerous error value associated with each individual variable raised to the second power. The rigerous error value of each individual variable can either be determined experimentally, known as a reported rigerous error value, or calculated by taking the sum of the derivitives of that variable with respect to each individual paramater in that variable, multiplied by the rigerous error value associated with each individual parameter raised to the second power. The rigerous error value of each individual parameter may also be determined experimentally, known as a reported rigerous error value, or be calculated by taking the sum of the derivitives of that parameter with respect to each individual component in that parameter, multiplied by the rigerous error value associated with each individual component and raised to the second power. This process is thus repeated until the error for each function, variable, parameter and component are experimentally determined or known as a reported rigerous error value and no longer need to be calculated.

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