Oct 25, 2004 21:38
Liz has apparently shrunken since starting college and many of you ask: how is his possible? What of the infamous "Freshman Fifteen"? Well, children, you too can be malnurished and stressed out, but thinner with the help of the Liz Poverty Diet.
This is what I ate today. Notice it starts out fairly normal and goes downhill from there
poptart and coffee
"LUNCH" (more appropriately "the second time i eat during the day")
a styrofoam cup full of popcorn, chocolate chip cookie, and like 30 cups of bad calling canes coffee
DINNER (the after work too-late-to-make-something phenomenon)
2 vienna sausages and a handfull of chips
and now I'm dreaming of a peanutbutter sandwich. but i have no bread.