Sep 28, 2006 09:18
so how about an update on my college life, yeah?
puc isnt really as bad as i thought it would be. the rules do suck, yes. curfew in college? dont really matter to me cause its not like theres anything to do here anyway besides eat and study. haha. and honestly, im quite glad theres the no drinking/partying/whatevr rule. it keeps most of the distraction away.
My first couple of days here were horrible. i had no friends, and i was too shy to go up to someone and introduce myself. haha -_- but my roommate introduced me to some cool girls that are also on the same floor as me so ive been pretty much hanging out with them its such a culturally diverse group and i really like that. theres philipino, somoan, mexican, indonesian. its so different rom msj [asians asians aisnas] and im cool with that.
so i moved in on thursday, and from friday-sunday, all the freshman and new students went on a retreat/orientation thing called fusion. its just like msjs linkcrew. we meet together throughout the year and we get credit for it too. it was seriously like a church retreat. wake up early, morning worship, activities, food, night worship. yup. it was okay i guess, i did meet alot of new people there so tahts cool. but i hated the place we were at. it was just like alliance redwoods, for anyone whos ever been there. dusty, long walks to cabins, hot, blahblahblah. needless to say, i wanted to go back to the dorms.
so we got back on sunday and there were some other mandatory fusion meetings. i think i stayed in my room most of the day cause i was getting a little homesick. then monday was pretty boring too. i hecka lost weight these first few days cause the food here is so nasty. all this meatless meat....yeah thats right. meatless meat. oxymoron? i ate mostly fruit and salad.
classes started on tuesday, and i was pretty excited about that. but sucks. i have 8am classes everyday so i have to sleep early. boo. im taking 4 classes this quarter; anatomy, intro to comoputers, nutrition, and history of western art.
my anatomy class is gonna be the asskicking class this quarter. theres so much infrotmation and we're going through the whole book by december. im glad the teacher is really good. hes just like vandeusen. he really knows the infromation, and he somehow incorporates humor into his lectures. it keeps me awake haha. i hope his grading system isnt as gay though. its kinda hard to keep up with all the information, but to obad for me.
next comes my computer class. i thought it would be like a class that helps me with computer programs and how to use them and stuff. instead, its more about the physical components of a computer. way too much inormation there too. but i have friends in this class! YAY!! hahaha.
hmm. ive only have nutrition once so far. it was yesterday. its one of my bigger classes, meaning theres aobut 60 people. yeah, unlike the uc's 400 people lectures. CRAZY!! the teacher kinda reminds me of malone. HAHAH not good. i heard she wasnt that great of a teacher too. it should be kinda easy. and im pretty interested in that stuff. and i have some friends in this class. whoppdy dooo
lastly, my history of western art class. the teacher is awesome. shes really into the curriculum so that gets my attention. i think ill like this class, just cause the artwork is intersting. too bad its a 9am class and the lights are always off. its hard to concentrate cause im always so tired.
puc being a seventh day adventist school isnt that bad. yeah, theres some mandatory things you have to go to everyweek. for example, every thurday at 10am, theres soething called colloquy. the whole school gatheres in the church [theres only about 1000 students] and they have worshpi and stuff, thankfully, attendence is required, but your attention is not. so im gonna bring my ipod and some books and sit in the back to study. in one quarter, theres about 10 colloquys. inorder to get a decent grade in worship attendence, i ahve to go to atleast 6. yeah, worship attendence affects our gpa. wooot awesome.and next week is "week of prayer". im not quite sure what that is, but i know that theres morning and night meetings everyday for that week. and our classes are about 10 minutes shorter.
what else? my roommate! her names brizey and shes pretty cool. shes like half venezulan and half columbian. she looks kinda black though. but shes cool. theres actually alotta drama right now, and i just dont wana get involved. so yup. our room is tinytintiny but we're planning on switching things around so we ahve ore room to walk haha. kinda sucks though cause since i have 8am classes everyday, and her earliest is 9am, i feel bad for being loud and stuff. i dont wanna turn on the lights in the morning cause it would be hella annoying. so i pretty much do everything with the light from the window. and i ahve to dry my hair as fast as possible cause its loud. its cooooool
i guess all in all, i owuld rate puc with a 7/10. trust me, thats pretty good.
i miss everybodyy ssooo mucchchh!!! all you irvine people, im visiting on nov 18. its a saturday. and ill be there for the weekend until alexdoan goes home cause im hitching a ride with him. so make sure you clear that day up for me so i can seee you and we can ppllayyyy!!! im so excitedddd
this has been a pretty long post...okay 20 mintues until colloquy