(no subject)

Oct 26, 2005 22:58

im so stuck between colleges. im getting to the point where i dont even wanna apply to any UC anymore. none of them have the major that i want, and i know im gonna be wasting time there. the only reason why i wanna go is cause i wanna experience the "real college life", yanno? but thats so stupd if i think about it. i dont know if i should apply. ill be saving alotta money and time. and who knows if ill even get in if i apply, right? and another reason why i wanna apply is to see if i get it. but thats kinda a lame reason too.

for the states, im applying to sjsu, csu fresno [for the major], and maybe sdsu..and MMAAYYBBEEE calpoly SLO. i dont knooww. i gotta find out their majors. these are the ones that have the major i want. and im more likely to get accepted to one of these than one of the UCs. and csus arent bad at all.

and then comes PUC. pacific union college. its a lameass school but itll be really good for my major. i study there for two years to get all my prereqs done then i transfer to lomalinda, down in the riverside area. it probably wont be as bad as im making it cause i can leave every weekend and come home or go visit people. and the whole curfew thing, it doesnt really matter up there cause its not like im gonna have anyting to do. and its cool cause since i wont be going out as much during the week, i can study :D hahaha and keep my grades up. or decent.

im so bbllaahhh. it basically comes down to social life vs. career. yeah obviously its career. ill be stupid if i pick social life. oh and it also comes down to csu vs. puc. actually i should probably wait till i send in my apps. HAHA.

University of California, i hate you. you put me in some bbiigg dilemmas.
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