Hey Allison, Sorry I've been so terrible about keeping in touch! After 6 weeks in Ecuador I finally now have a good Internet connection so it should be better. Anyway, I finally went and looked at that link and it's moved so I couldn't see what you were trying to show me! Is there any way you can find it again? - I'm really interested to see it. How's Denmark? I'll try to write more later and tell you all about Ecuador.
Hej! Denmark is amazing...I'm blogging at fra-kobenhavn.blogspot.com (as well as on LJ) if you're interested. I actually just got back from three weeks on the road (and 8 countries) for spring break, so I'm kind of wiped, but maybe we can Skype at some point? I can't wait to look at your pictures from Ecuador!
Argh. Mine is bohemiandiamonds, same as IM, but my computer's having issues so Skype is currently playing dead, as is AIM. I'll let you know as soon as that changes, though!
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