I could be your hero, baby.

Mar 09, 2005 11:08

Having already referenced New Jersey's Super Librarian, I'll point out the apparently unnamed next member of the Super Librarians League over at


Yow. Rowr. Hell-ooooo nurse.

I'm really quite stunned that none of the humor-impaired members of my profession are making more of an outcry about these. Associating stacked, spandex-clad cartoons with the library? Why, that's objectifying! And sexist! And won't someone please think of the children!?!?

(It's. A. Cartoon. Breathe. You get pissy at the dowdy librarian stereotype too; pick a side.)

Of course, from the Guybrarian perspective, what I really want to know is... where's the male superhero? All spandexy and pectoral and ubermenchish? Where's my representation?

Oh. Wait. I've seen the men that show up at library conferences. Suspension of disbelief is one thing, but you've got to be at least close to plausible. Let's just say I'll be sticking with the Dr. Strange look. An actual outside-garb cape, ornate but not too tight clothes, and a cool hat.

Or maybe we should go for James Bond. Most people can't pull off a unitard, but everyone looks better in a tux...
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