[5:05:26 pm]
Kuldhaamer:Hey, What do you think about somebody doing something in front of a webcam?
[5:06:50 pm]
super_lib:That's vague. What is this "something"? Will they be dressed as a clown, and juggling kittens? Because that might be entertaining.
[5:07:13 pm]
Kuldhaamer:Would you want to see my hard cock ?
[5:07:24 pm]
super_lib:would you want to see mine?
[5:07:37 pm]
super_lib:because I bet my hard cock is WAY bigger than yours.
[5:07:44 pm]
[5:08:08 pm]
super_lib:They didn't call me 'the horse' at that Tijauana hooch parlor for nothing, you know.
[5:08:23 pm]
[5:09:07 pm]
super_lib:But I'm guessing you aren't going to find any interest from random girls by asking them if they want to see your hard cock. This is the internet, there's hard cock everywhere.
[5:09:20 pm]
super_lib:try something more creative next time.
[5:09:49 pm]
Kuldhaamer:lol like what ?
[5:10:54 pm]
super_lib:How about treating girls like they're actually people with personalities who actually bothered to write up a page about themselves, instead of just assuming they're going to be a receptacle for your hard penis?
[5:11:05 pm]
super_lib:otherwise you might as well just buy a blow-up doll, and leave us poor defenseless women alone.
[5:11:25 pm]
super_lib:If you'd bothered to read my profile, you'd know I have no interest in a hook-up.
[5:11:33 pm]
super_lib:especially not with anyone who has a hard cock.