Jan 13, 2006 00:11
So I haven't written here in forever. I don't write much anymore, anywhere. Online or off. I miss it. I need to make/buy/find myself a nice blank book for journaling, because there's just something about pen and paper that a little white box can't replicate. An intimacy. A solidity. I miss it. I might pick up a Moleskine tomorrow when I go out to run some errands. I have a lovely, thick, leather-covered blank book that I bought a long, long time ago languishing in the closet, but I can't bring myself to use it. Because of the leather. It's such a small thing, a book, such a replaceable thing, that I can't justify not buying a new, animal-friendly one. But I probably won't throw it away, either. I don't know why.
Today was my first day back at school. I had Figure Anatomy II, Digital Illustration, and Modern/Post-Modern Art. All went fine. It was really nice to just plunge right back into drawing with Jeff. That's the benefit of a semester-spanning course, I suppose. We had a good model, too. Her hair was amazing to draw and lent itself very well to conte. Digital Illustration isn't quite what I thought it would be. I have fairly extensive experience with Photoshop and Illustrator, so with the exception of learning InDesign I think it's going to be largely a review-type class for me. Which is fine, really. An easy grade and a chance to polish up some neglected skills. I'm using a lot more natural media these days, which is wonderful and in a lot of ways makes me feel more like a real artist. But I do miss working digitally, and when I go back to it things don't flow as easily anymore. So hopefully this will help.
I drew a lot tonight. Just sitting on the couch with my sketchbook, drawing whatever came into my head. I got a few hands done for my 100 Hands project. I dug a Bjork book out of the closet and starting drawing a black and white shot of her. I spent about two hours on it, and so far I'm pleased. Which is amazing in and of itself, really. A bonus is that both of her hands are front and center, so I can count it as two of the 100 as well. It was overall just a lovely way to spend the evening, and something I don't do nearly as often as I should. Sometimes it's hard for me to remember that I actually do enjoy doing these things. I don't know why.
My tattoos are completely healed now, and I still love them. I need to design my brother's thing before he disowns me. I'm dreading it.
My cat was running like crazy through the apartment tonight, and banged right into the coffee table. Head first. Hard. It was very sad, but I'll admit it: I laughed. I made sure she was okay first, though.
I don't have school tomorrow. I'm going to the market with Cassie in the afternoon, and then I need to run around and do a few other things. I'm really in the mood for a Buffy-thon, and if no one is interested then I'm just going to have one by myself. At some point this weekend I'm making manicotti. It should be a good time.