Dinner. What is it? Gasp! It looks like chicken! But it's not. I made seitan for the first time the other night, and although it didn't really come out right it still made some decent General Tso's Seiten.
It is so cold in my apartment. It's last October all over again. I need to call the landlord tomorrow, because this needs to be taken care of ASAP. I'm fully dressed (including a fleece sweatshirt and boots!) and I'm still sitting here freezing my ass off. It's ridiculous.
Today we went to the Brandywine River Museum for school. It was went and cold and there were like 8 million whining brats milling around the place (no there were not!) - okay, maybe 30 - but it was awesome to see N.C. Wyeth's stuff up close and in person. The others were nice to see as well, of course, but N.C. is my boy. I heart him. I'm doing my American art paper on Captain Nemo, which was amazing in person. I think Fight In The Forest was my favorite, though. Just... wow.
I rode back with Diana, Zack, and Justin and it was good times. Listening to Dane Cook and making people uncomfortable at Wendy's. Fell asleep in American Art. Test next Tuesday. Gah.
I want to start a paper journal again. I could just write in my sketchbook, but when you're in art school that's no more private than this is.
Anyway. I need to do homework now. I really, really do. So I'm going to go do that. No comic shall conquer me! Ahoy.