Here's a depressing meme that I found on Zach's LJ.

Jun 30, 2004 19:28

01. Buy everyone in the pub a drink - One time, in Rockford, IL.  I was out with my cousin and her boyfriend.  It was a dive bar, and there were only like 10 people in there.  Two other people had already bought everyone a round.  It was only fair to repay the favor.  Right?
02. Swim with dolphins - The closest I've ever come to a dolphin is probably when I open a can of Starkist. 
03. Climb a mountain - Only in recent days can I even say that I've even SEEN a mountain (from 30,000 ft.), let alone climb one.
04. Take a Ferrari for a test drive - Nope.
05. See the Pyramids at night - Nope.
06. Hold a tarantula - Nope.
07. Take a candlelit bath with someone - Definitely nope.
08. Say 'I love you' and mean it - Yes, to two different people (non-family of course).  This doesn't come up often for me.
09. Hug a tree - I've climbed trees.  I like trees.  I grew up around trees.  I don't suppose I've actually set out to "hug" a tree.  *shrug*
10. Do a striptease - Nope.  Nobody wants to see that!
11. Do a bungee or parachute jump - Nope.
12. Visit Paris - Nope.
13. Watch a lightning storm at sea - Never seen the sea.
14. Clean behind the fridge - Yes.  Hurry for me!  I'm experiencing life!
15. Stay up all night long, and watch the sun rise - Quite a bit, though it's hard to find others with that kind of stamina.
16. Ask the question you've always been too embarrassed to ask. - Very, very, very rarely.  I'm too cautious.  I just wonder about things quietly, and give myself ulcers.
17. See the Northern Lights - Nope.
18. Go to a huge sports game - Once when I was little, I went to a St. Louis Cardinals game.  I really only remember it was against the Padres, and they had good hot dogs.
19. Create your own masterpiece - Nothing I've ever had a hand in can be called a masterpiece, though I've done more creative work than anyone will ever know...
20. Grow and eat your own vegetables - My grandparents had a farm, which I helped harvest as a kid.
21. Touch an iceberg - Nope.
22. Have an office relationship - Nope.
23. Sleep under the stars - Many a time.  It's not so bad, during certain times of the year.
24. Compromise - There isn't much in my life that hasn't involved me compromising.
25. Change a baby's nappy - What's a nappy?  And anyway, these "baby" things scare me.
26. Take a trip in a hot air balloon - Nope.
27. Watch a meteor shower - Nope.
28. Get drunk on champagne - I've gotten drunk IN Champaign...
29. Take a luxury holiday - Nope.
30. Give more than you can afford to charity - Not monetarily, but certainly in personal time and emotional resources.  I think about myself too little in such circumstances.
31. Look up at the night sky through a telescope - Yes, many times.
32. Have an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment - Pick one.  I don't think I could possibly go a day without laughing.  If anyone notices me failing to laugh for much longer than that, you should start worrying. 
33. Have a food fight - I recall a "Desert war to the Death".
34. Bet on a winning horse - Nope.
35. Take a sick day when you're not ill - I've taken a sick day when I'm ill, but well enough that I could probably get work done.  There are times when it is best to not spread the "Death Plague" to officemates, however.
36. Get a pet - I have two cats and one roommate.
37. Ask a stranger out - That is quite possibly the scariest thing I have ever heard of.

38. Have a snowball fight - Too many to count.  My "Lord of the Flies" childhood is peppered with snowball fights.

39. Photocopy your bottom on the office photocopier - Nope.
40. Scream as loudly as you possibly can - I can't think of any time specifically, but I'm sure it's happened.

41. Hold a lamb - Does it have to be alive?  And does 'on a fork' count?
42. Enact a favorite fantasy - Probably not.  I spend most of my waking hours trying to imagine myself elsewhere.  I don't go as far as to try and enact anything.
43. Take a midnight skinny dip - Yes, many times.
44. Hear the words 'I love you' - Only one non-family member has ever said something like that to me.
45. Fly on Concorde - Nope, and now that it is in mothballs, I probably never will.
46. Take an ice cold bath - Unfortunately, yes.
47. Have a meaningful conversation with a beggar - If you count some of my friends, then yes.  Otherwise, nope.
48. See a total eclipse - Yes.  Did the shoebox pinhole thing and everything.
49. Ride a roller coaster - I hear they're fun.
50. Hit a home run - Yes, many.
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