Whiiiirrrrrrrrrrr JAM

Jul 04, 2008 11:49

So I was in this weird western town minding my own business with some friends and there was a theme park with a bunch of scary rides that I would be too scared to ride own. So we're hanging around and my sophomore English teacher comes around and starts handing us our college essays since she graded them or something. The guy next to me get a 35/40 or something and I go "hey that's not so bad, I wonder what I'll get." And I think to myself "Hm I don't really remember what I wrote about..."

Aaaand then the teacher hands back MY essay and it has green marks all over and I go "oh crap" and it was a completely FAILING grade. I look over it and it seemed I was writing about gays and mickey mouse and a variety of other crazy things that you should really not do on a college essay.

Suddenly I was back in the middle of that western town and I went into the wooden shack thing in front of me and (LOL) there was a Flareon! Well cripes, I didn't have any Pokemon with me so it just chased me around and stuff and I was all "I'm gonna catch this thing." But I couldn't find any empty Pokeballs on my so I was running around in that empty shack screaming "LET'S JUST BE FRIENDS OKAY FLAREON?"

And suddenly it was gone. Well okay. A little grade school girl runs in through the door and was like SAVE ME. I was like uh okay whatever. We hung around the shack place doing nothing. Time passes or something. And then I notice she's getting smaller. I'm like OHSHOOT TIME REVERSAL and suddenly my friend comes busting through the doorway holding a kid and he's all "WE HAVE TO GET THEM BACK TO SCHOOL" because doing so would apparently turn their time back to usual.

So I pick up the kid and we all run down the dusty street towards the school and suddenly it's night and I'm on this rickety bridge thing and there's a construction worker guy going "IF YOU PASS THIS BRIDGE YOU CAN GO TO THE SCHOOL." So I cross the bridge holding on to the handrail things until it BREAKS and I go plummetting but I'm still holding on. The construction guy goes "okay you've held on long enough have you can have the prize"

So I get showered in rupees.

Uh then I'm back in the road and the school in in front of me and I'm like WHAT'S GOING ON. And the principle comes out and is all "GET THEM BACK IN SCHOOL"

And that's the end of my dream.

It's the first I've been able to remember so clearly, however broken it was. Ughhh. College essays.


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