So this afternoon is the best afternoon I've had since school started. The reason is as you can see from above. I am sure you would be delighted to have such an afternoon too.
So this afternoon, my small group leader, who is a 3rd year, took me and my roommate to the ASIAN PLAZA near the school. It's freaking more amazing than Convoy back home. She took us to Barnes and Noble first because I had a 25% off coupon and I BOUGHT FIGHT CLUB finally. I had wanted to read that for forever!
And then we went to 85 degrees bakery, which is like the dream bakery/cafe that I want to own when I grow up secretly. They have DELICIOUS bread and CAAAAKKKEEE HOLY CATS!! It was beautiful. I got bread first, and I didn't get any cake because I was so full after eating (a whole loaf LOL).
Oh maaannn.
S-so expensive what, BUT AWWW MANNNNN
Here's the bread I got. A loaf of brioche on the table, in the bag are a boroh cream danish and a mini choco bun. LIFE IS WONDERFUL.
After eating this heavenly bread, I got so charged up man. It was as if I drank like an extra HP pot at full HP, and somehow I got a max HP increase and LEVEL UP. I'm STILL really powered up and I'm feeling like I can study really well now!
Here's some sketches from recently! I am more motivated to draw nowadays, probably because I am more stressed with round 2 midterms.
Baidir doodles haha oops LARK RUINED IT.
Oh boy Harry Potter doodles. I never draw Harry Potter.
Th-this is a joke okay.
Housing applications started last Monday at 7AM. This was every freshman's life at that moment.
Calc midterm #2 Monday, I am full from brioche, powered up, and READY TO STUDY!