The Getty was awesome

Aug 20, 2009 21:17

The Getty was so cool.

We only covered about half the museum when we were there! I went with 5 kids from my art history and english class! I got to know them better on this trip and I'm glad for that.

I had to wake up at 5 AM that day because the train was at 6:30 or something. My friend went around picking up everyone and driving us all to the train station. Hehe. It was so exciting going on the train in the morning and I was really surprised that a lot of people were at the station, with their business bags and luggage and stuff.

The amtrak took us to Union Station in LA and we played card games the whole way. I mean, hearts and big 2 and poker and stuff like that. It was lots of fun and I also drew tiny sketches on the way.

We got onto the subway after that. I've never gone on the Metro before and it was exciting I guess! And then we took a bus and it went all the way around UCLA before getting to the Getty. UCLA area is so nice man. One of the kids in our group was going to UCLA next month and she pointed out all the locations around it and stuff. She was so happy and always smiling and I love people like that because their happiness is infectious!

We went to the Getty and went through the French landscapes exhibit and the French bronze sculpture exhibit and the impressionism rooms and the romanesque and neoclassical places. Everyone was exhausted by 3 PM so we left haha. Going there made me feel so insignificant haha. Some of the sketchbooks were on display in the French landscapes place and they were so tiny, but so neat and detailed  it was really cool. My favorite was actually this one sketch someone made in red chalk of a house! I also liked this bronze statue of Prometheus getting his guts eaten out by an eagle! It was really amazing because there was so much movement in it and stuff ahaha.

Afterwards we rode the bus and played games on the way and we were being kind of loud or maybe that was just because no one else on the bus talked. We rode to Koreatown and went to this place where my friend bought stationary and junk. It was adorable but I was way too tired to concentrate on shopping. Plus, the round trip train ticket cost me 38 bucks which is a ton, so I didn't feel like spending much else. Good thing the Getty was free.

After shopping, our group leader/organizer kid took us to Manna, which is a Korean barbecue place and there was unlimited meat forever so us 6 kids ended up eating 3 whole plates of meat. It was great. And tasty. Plus sidedishes are so good. We talked a lot and made a lot of jokes and laughed a lot together! This was with people that I only knew from class! I am not even that close with them but I ended up enjoying myself hooray!

While we were eating, this other group of older guys were at the tables next to us and suddenly, music started playing and 2 of them popped champagne on this one guy! Apparently it was his 30th birthday and one of his presents was this t-shirt that said "You are an old fart" on it! It was pretty funny.

Afterwards we walked back to the bus stop and rode back to the subway and rode back to Union station and then rode back home! It was almost 11 PM when I got home! I rarely ever get to stay out that late without my parents so that was exciting! But I was pooped. So uh, I went to bed pretty soon after.

The end!

Can you tell I have been playing P4? It is so good!

life, persona 4, comic

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