Gosh I love STAR testing. Not only is it incredibly easy, but they give you so much TIME. I have almost 3 hours left to do whatever after I finish. It's so stupid. Today I took the biology STAR because I'm taking AP bio this year, but the STAR doesn't test up to AP level. So I whizzed through it faster than lightning and stuff while the guy next to me was agonizing over physics. Which I'm never ever taking in my high school career.
1 week left till AP testing
I have the busiest weekend ever.
Friday evening - Making tomorrow's Marco Polo page and working on bio.
Saturday - 8 -12: AP US History ESSAY lecture at school
Saturday 1 - 4: Elite, for SATs
Saturday evening - AX art, bio
Sunday morning - SAT mock test at UCSD, then church
Sunday afternoon - CHinese school
Sunday evening - BIO BIO BIO BIO BIO BIO
I have to read Chapters 51-55 this weekend for bio, and do all the homework for those chapters. It'll take a miracle. And I have no homework passes left.