It seems what's left of my human side is slowly changing

Dec 11, 2005 21:32

Man howdy pallos, wow I see you have been awaiting the rearrival of the guy. Well I have returned and I have brought you a gift, yes its a special gift only for the eyes of you (pssst that also means you and you and you too...well maybe not you... but the other you) Yes its been a fabulous month yet again, I seem to be starting a trend here, I remember a month ago before this month ago I was saying "hey there pallys I believe its been an awesome month" Maybe this means I'm suppose to update more often. Well there is a problem you see, if I don't see anyone else updating i'll assume no one reads this, then i'll assume hey why do I have to write in the first place? The funny thing is the whole purpose of this blog is suppose to be a personnel note to myself about what I do, where I've been and what I've seen...I dunno, but here's the point i'm trying to make HOW ABOUT THOSE PALLOS OF MINE WRITE IN THEIR DANG LIVEJOURNALS!!! GOSH FLIPPING DANG IT!!!.


Now that's over with, so here is what happened this month:

1. I finally realized the true meaning of life, are you ready for it??!!?! Huh huh? are ya?!! It's that you must live everyday like its your last, and I'm a total contradiction, I waste my days...I'm such a loser.

2. I went club hopping for the first time, wow what a thrill it was. We went to a bar first, Robert and Maya (two people from my workplace Robert quit a few months ago) worked on getting drunk while me and Mike (Medium Guy) just drank coca colas, after a while we went into the back of the bar and there were old women on the bar tables dancing and old guys rubbing themselves on the bar chairs, I was like wtf is going was great. We then went to Monkeyclub, I thought it was gonna be fun heh what a joke that place, it was so dead. Then we went to Club Safari, wow much more exciting and entertaining but most of the people were over 35 :-( including the hot chix (milfs). I tried to dance on the dance floor but I didnt have a girl with me and Maya was busy dancing with Robert so I just leaned against a wall with medium guy and watched the drunkards dance. Took Maya home and as soon as she got out the car she fell over and past out. I went to work on Monday and saw a hugh black and blue mark on her cheek ahahahah that's what you get for getting pissed drunk. Overall it was alright I mean it was an experience I can't complain.

3. Me and Medium guy tried on two seperate occasions to meet that stupid girl Mariah, collectively we spent 5 and a half hrs in a car waiting for her, she never showed up of coarse.

4. Craig is a great pally and so is Julie Girl.

5. I still haven't sold an ad for the Beachcomber yet...yes that's right, I'm Ad manager now...I swear I'm way over my head, I'm in so much more stress than last year and I'm not feeling one bit of it, Take that stress!!! in your mouth son!!!

6. My 21st Birthday party sucked ballz. I didn't do shit except go to work, and go to the movies by myself, yeah I know I'm a loser. Thank God my mom threw me a surprise "family party" which included myself, my dad, my mom, and my sister. My gift was a one year subscription to LA Fitness and three months with a trainer, hehehe I can't wait to get buff (back den hoes didn't want me now I'm hawt hoes all on me!) man that song is so played out now.

7. Thanksgiving was even worst, my cousins tore up my room 4 different times!!! Fawk! why can't relatives leave the day after thanksgiving, seriously why do they stick around for an additional week! you don't need to do that!!!.

8. I can't complain my family is awesome I don't have a drunk dad who beats me everynight, my mom isn't a corner street hooker and my uncle hasn't killed anyone yet.

9. Life is Great

10. The Chronicles of Narnia is FAWKING AWESOME!!! and so is the book :-)

11. GOT CHA BITCH!!! There's no number 11 it's just your imagination, your imagining a number 11 right below that number 10 right above this number 11 BUAHAHAHHAHAHAH AHHAHA HAH AH AHAH AHH!!!!

Meh till next time.
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