You're doing all the right stuff.

Dec 08, 2003 14:41

I've gotten my stats grade up from a 62.3 to a 63.5 which is slow but steady progress. I've been studying formulas for a couple minutes each day just to keep it all in my head for the final on Thursday. My dad says I'm doing all the right stuff. That's always good to hear.

I was planning on going to a Sociology Club presentation called "Culture and Female Circumcision", but I decided against it for a very simple reason. Ciera and Drew came down to hang out in the new layout of our room. I didn't mind, otherwise I would have told them that I was going to the presentation. So I could still go since it goes until 3, but I'd rather not walk in late. Normally I wouldn't mind, but today I would. Oh well. No big deal. Tonight I'll be going to Trash Ladies: "TRASH LADIES, a dark comedy, revolves around three homeless women, Bubbles, Cranberry and the Bees Knees, and their confrontation with the mystical. Despite scary cops who "book" the homeless women under the bridge, unwanted pregnancies, and missing children, Bubbles manages to keep life light. Until they find the dead body in the dumpster." The greatest part of this is that it's free! I'm all about that! I mean, if it's free...I'm there stat! I guess it runs in my family...we're always looking for free stuff.

Last night I talked to someone that I knew from NWTekno for a while on messenger, then it moved to the phone. I told him that I could only talk for 10 minutes cuz I had to study for psych, but when the call was ended, it turned out being an hour and ten minutes. Ha...but it was worth it. It was so fun to talk to someone who had actual intelligence, didn't take over the convo, was interesting, and has great taste in movies too! All those things are so hard to find in people these days. We really hit it off. So surprising to me too cuz I've never called someone that I knew from the net...but I had a good feeling about it. I almost always follow my intuitions...I mean, if I don't feel kosher about something, I usually won't do it. But since I had that warm kosher feeling in my belly, I went for it. Def worth it.

Tomorrow night I'm going to Zoo Lights! I'm so excited...I haven't been since I was maybe 10 or 11. It's one of those things that the Freshman Experience program gets for really cheap. It'll be great!

"I'm a believer. Well, actually...that's not strictly true. I'm more of a make believer."

friends, events, dorm life, lyrics, internet

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