Title: Living Dead
superkappaRating: PG
Challenge: "I always thought that if none of your family or friends knew you were dead, then it's like not really being dead. People can invent the best and the worst for you." - Celine, from the film Before Sunrise
Summary: Sylar fakes his and Elle’s deaths. AU from 3x11 on.
Author’s Note: Written for
sylelle_100 (
He Fakes Her Death Easily Enough, Making It Look Like He Killed Her On The Beach )
but they are parents, no? ;)
Yeah the way they killed her off (I think) leaves some wiggle room for her to still be alive. Cause you never actually see her die. Like how did he kill her? We don't know they every showed it.
It does. Alot was left unseen, which makes thinga easier to work with.
but he was good with Noah ... Maybe he just needed to be apart from her to do that. he's a very good actor.
I always kind of felt like he was putting on an act for Noah. Because as soon as he's alone with Peter, he's acting very differently. And is putting on an act really good parenting? I dunno, I have alot of issues with that future, and I usually choose to ignore it, except that it did kind of make me laugh :x
I'm sorry that happened in volume 3 right? Consider it ignored.
The kid kinda bothered me. When Gabriel picked him up he didn't act like that was his dad having a good time. He was so stiff ...
The whole thing could have been a figment of Gabe's imagination ... o_O.
Oh peter i wish him away.
Well, it was a young kid, and it's hard to find really good actors that young, so I can cut him so slack for being pretty stiff.
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