Comment to this post and receive four options (actors/singers/so on, so forth) randomass people. You must then decide which of the four options you would: Shag, Snog, Marry and Throw off a cliff. You may reply here or make your own post to spread the meme joy.
I was given:
Zachary Quinto
Fran Kranz
Neil Patrick Harris
Mmm, yes. Anyone surprised? No? Moving on.
Charming, passionate, pretty, who wouldn't want to kiss Captain Mal?
Why is this the only gif I have of him? I should fix that. In any case, Fran Kranz seems like a sweetheart in real life, and would make a good husband.
Prety as Neil Patrick Harris is, he's gay, and wouldn't be that interested in me. So hard choices had to be made. But might as well kiss/shag/marry people who would be interested in me, right?