If I Could Just Turn And Run

Sep 15, 2009 14:28

Still sick.

Still need to do laundry and pack up boxes :( Why can't they pack themselves?

Tonight, I'm being dragged with my grandma to help her pick out a laptop for my sister's birthday.

Speaking of which, my sister isn't coming home tonight, I should probably call her.

I wrote my sylarelle exchange fic in a frenzy of inspiration last night, and now it's being beta'd. Yay. I think my muse is slowly coming out of hiding. Maybe I can lure it out completely with some bacon.

I...I think I might attempt to write my first VM fic. WHY AM I SO NERVOUS WRITING THESE CHARACTERS?

I've been listening to alot of Radiohead lately. I never listened to them much, but stainofmylove and acinogan both have awesome musical taste and fangirl them, which made me download their whole discography. I regret nothing. I think "The Bends" is my favorite of their albums. It has so many of my favorite tracks. Like "My Iron Lung", and "Bullet Proof...I Wish I Was." And let us not forget "Fake Plastic Trees". I think I have an unhealthy love for the song "Fake Plastic Trees" right now. I dunno.

Lastily, I have amazing friends and I ♥ you all so much. Seriously. You put up with so much from me with so much patience. Thank you. Really.
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