Fanfiction: Heroes: All Of This Forgotten, Not By Me

Jul 06, 2009 04:39

Title: All Of This Forgotten, Not By Me
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Noah Bennet centric (with mentions of Elle, Bob, and Claire)
Summary: Later that night, on his drive home, no matter how loud he turned the radio up, all he could hear were those small girl’s screams.Warnings: References to experimenting on children ( Read more... )


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Comments 21

commen_sense July 6 2009, 12:23:37 UTC
wow... i loved this...poor elle :(


superkappa July 6 2009, 12:25:07 UTC
Thank you. Thinking about Elle's childhood always makes me sad :(


eternal_moonie July 6 2009, 16:24:02 UTC
Noooo!!! Poor Elle!


superkappa July 6 2009, 16:29:19 UTC
Yes, poor Elle :( Her childhood is so sad!


phoenixgfawkes July 6 2009, 16:27:37 UTC
Great ficlet. You've managed to convey so much in few words. Bob's horrid treatment of Elle, how Bennet is horrified by it but can't seem to put an end to it, his fierce protectiveness of Claire... Very well done!


superkappa July 6 2009, 16:28:42 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it. The idea wouldn't leave me alone, so I'm glad I was able to do it proper treatment.


lemomina July 6 2009, 16:50:55 UTC
Aww , Poor Elle :(
I liked how he felt guilt for not being able to help her and he directed that feeling toward protecting Claire from them .


superkappa July 6 2009, 16:55:13 UTC
Well, he did tell Elle that she was the reason he never let the company touch Claire. I wanted to play off that :)


lemomina July 6 2009, 17:01:38 UTC
Well , you manged to do a pretty good job with it ;D


superkappa July 6 2009, 17:02:39 UTC
Thank you!


anansie_s July 6 2009, 16:58:34 UTC
That would have to be enough.

And this is how the morally gray Bennett can sleep at night :)


superkappa July 6 2009, 17:02:27 UTC
It's true. For all his talk about him thinking what Bob did to Elle was horrible, it's not like he did anything to stop it.


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