Fanfiction: Heroes: Listening

Mar 05, 2009 17:13

Title: Listening

Characters: Mohinder, Elle (not really shippy, but kind of?)

Rating: PG

Summary: AU after 3x07. What if Arthur had sent Mohinder to help Elle with her malfunctioning power instead of Sylar?

I've Never Met A Man That I Could Look Straight In The Eyes And Tell My Secret Plans )


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lemomina March 6 2009, 03:57:58 UTC
Oh Momo is such a nice guy ( even with his scales )
I liked this so much , specially the ending ;D


superkappa March 6 2009, 05:34:47 UTC
He really is. I think that's what I love about Mohinder. Essentially, he is a really good guy (even though the writers seem to forget this sometimes)

I'm glad you liked it!


di_elle March 6 2009, 10:25:50 UTC
really, the writers seems to dislike mohinder... and maybe I'm the only one, but I like his monologues and I miss them... :(


superkappa March 6 2009, 10:33:35 UTC
I think Mohinder's character is the only one that's possibly been messed up as much as Sylar's. I didn't mind when occasionally, someone else did the monologues, but I loved Mohinder's the most.


di_elle March 6 2009, 10:39:27 UTC
and in this volume they made him a coward... *sob* he never was a coward, a little naive and trusting but never a coward...
I liked Nathan's in Angels and Monster and obviously Sylar's in 3.13, but momo is my favorite! :)


superkappa March 6 2009, 10:40:48 UTC
Yeah, well he was never stupid either, and look at half his actions in season 3? I mean really, experimenting on humans? SOMETHING HE WAS VIOLENTLY AGAINST IN SEASON 2?

Ugh. Writers.


di_elle March 6 2009, 10:46:00 UTC
and they made him say he was jealous of the abilities the other have? I could accept if they justified the "i want a power too" thing because he didn't want to be a sylar victim anymore, but power jealousy? just, no!


superkappa March 6 2009, 10:49:14 UTC
Right? He was always fascinated by people and their powers, but he never seemed to want one for his own. And suddenly his motives were saving himself instead of trying to help others? Where's the Momo I used to love?


di_elle March 6 2009, 10:55:47 UTC
and I want him say "my father research" AGAIN!!! :P
but he lost his integrity, his brain and his accent too... *sighs*


superkappa March 6 2009, 10:57:12 UTC
Oh Season 3, making all the characters I love barely resemble themselves *shakes head*


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