May 13, 2014 17:54
I'm pretty sure when I woke up on Mother's Day (which is always a super rough day for me to begin with) with a terrible UTI my life just slid into official comedy of errors status. Except I'm not laughing.
A few fandom updates:
I watched all of Brooklyn 99 which I really, really love save for Boyle's pursuing
of Rosa so I can only hope that's officially dropped now.
Occasionally I think I am over my anger at the How I Met Your Mother finale but then it flares up again. I'm pressed, basically.
I also watched all of season one of Broad City which was hilarious and surprisingly delightful.
I started the first season of Psych because I wanted something else funny to watch -- I'm midway into the first season and I enjoy it well enough but it's not something I'm super invested in yet.
I'm four episodes behind on The 100 but I plan on fixing that soon. Octavia is my girl.
That's it. That's what I got. I need some new shows.
On the plus side, in my discontent with so many shows I've been reading a lot more lately. So there's that.