Title: The Killing Games
Pairing: Kyuhyun-centric, potential pairings in the future
Genre: Serial Killer!AU
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence, gore, language, murder, character death. NOT FLUFF
Summary: It started off as just a harmless accident, but it was fun, so he continued.
He didn't mean any serious harm. He didn't mean for the man to completely lose his balance and fall over the railing, and keep falling until he hit the ground with a sickening thud. )
Well it puts some meaning behind him being an Evil Maknae lol
two really awesome writers;writing together this should be interesting =)
they call him evil maknae for a reason ;)
thank you! you are way too nice <3
yes they do lol
well i enjoy reading what both you and Andi write so lol
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