
Mar 02, 2009 05:50

Damn You, Alec Baldwin!

I was working at Sam Goody like I did in high school, only this store was comprised of shelves of DVDs and CDs on a long flight of stairs. Some lady wanted a copy of a movie with Ryan Reynolds and we didn't have it in stock. I went to check at Suncoast (which looked exactly like a normal mall store) and suddenly morphed into my WoW priest. One of my really old WoW friends (whose name escapes me atm) was working there and he was from New Zealand. He was actually Chase from House. I told him I loved him, but his accent was totally fake and he turned into a dragon that I had to fight using my pennance spell before I could get a copy of the movie for that lady. The employees told me that their manager would me pissed. His name was Matt Ericson (who, to my knowledge, I don't actually know) and he was dating some girl from my high school whose name I can't remember. So, I went to the school to try to find her to tell her I was sorry for killing a dragon in the store. On my way there, I was approached by Dennis from 30 Rock and he told me I had the priest skills that an elite WoW guild was looking for. He told me I would be tested throughout the day. I went inside the school (which was my middle school) and joined the group. I kept up on healing everyone, but had 50% overheal (which really isn't the end of the world). I was told to be outside at 3pm sharp because the leader wanted a word with me. I was outside at 3 and got in the car with someone I couldn't identify, but knew they were a good friend. Then, I suddenly remembered driving down the highway that I was supposed to wait for their leader. I remembered that Dennis had told me the leader was Alec Baldwin and gave me his phone number. I also remembered that this girl Casey that I went to high school with (and haven't really talked to aside from Facebook occasionally since then) was picking me up as well. My friend that was driving took me to a random office buiilding so i could run inside and call (because cell phones don't work outside?). I left Casey like 3 messages telling her I didn't need a ride. Then, I saw a paper sword taped to a window on a door that said, "DEATH TO JENY TOMORROW - CASEY". Apparently she was pissed that she had shown up and I hadn't been there. I went back outside and she was sitting in the back of my friend's car. I explained that I was sorry and had tried to call. Then, I went back inside (this time they were following me) and tried calling Alec. He wouldn't answer his phone and I shook my fist and yelled, "Damn you, Alec Baldwin!". I made my friend take me back to the school and he was there, leaning against his limo. He made me come with him and Tina Fey in the car so we could talk about my performance. They said I had potential, but I wasn't living up to it. I needed more epic gear in order to be a better priest. It turns out that Tina Fey was the best WoW player in the world and I needed to learn from her.

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