Although I hit it up much later than everyone else, here's a 2nd semester overview so far.

Jan 18, 2006 18:56

My Genetics Lab will be fine I guess. I mean Aimee's my partner and she's awesome. Julie shares our bench and she's a sweat heart and her partner seems cool, even though I don't know her name. However, I know that I'm going to have to work my ass off and need a ton of help because although I love genetics, I'm very new at actually studying it seeing as I was always more of a chemistry girl. At least it's my only Tuesday class.

My Genetics course seems good. The professor is pretty lively and there are a lot of people I know in the class, including some of my favorite science buddies. I will; however, have to leave at like 10am for an 11am class because parking is so bad. So I'll have a bunch of time prior to the class to sit and do nothing. No big deal I guess seeing as in order to get a decent chair (or a chair at all) in that room you have to show up quite early. Intro to Mass Media will probably be kind of boring because it's not really my forte, but I need it and it won't be a bad class. Gina's in it so that's good. There's a few people in there that I was not only not expecting, but I'm not super excited about. Oh well, what can I do about it? Chemistry II will be much better than last semester, even if it is harder. Professor Santos is much better at explaining things and I never once wanted to fall asleep, which is a major bonus. She bases all of her tests EXACTLY off the notes from lecture and the problems assigned, so that'll be much easier to study for. Plus, Seromi and Julie are in my class which is a very good thing. Last of my Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes was 20th Century Fiction. I'm very excited about the books we get to read because I haven't read any of them (well except Plainsong, but I have only read some of it). The people in the class could go both ways. So far they seem pretty cool and I have a feeling I'm going to learn a lot of cultural tidbits. The proffessor is awesome. He is very laid back, but very knowledgeable. There's not a ton of writing in the class. Only the reading, some sort of quiz on each book (ranging anywhere from multiple choice to creative writing style) and one report on a reading held either on campus or in town somewhere.

I don't have either my Genetic Recitation or Chemistry II Lab tomorrow because they are both canceled this week which means I don't have anything at all tomorrow, which will be nice. I'm not really worried about either of those. All of my fellow Biochemistry majors that are in the Genetics class have to be in the recitation as well, so that won't be bad and it's only 3 quizzes, 3 group assignments and 3 discussion classes. It definitely won't be bad. Chemistry Lab is my thing so no biggie there. Eli might even be in it, but I'm not sure because he's in the honors program. What a loser. Haha, just kidding. I only say that because that means he's not in very many of my classes, which sucks because he keeps me entertained. Anyways, if he's not in it (which is very likely) then I'll have to worry about the whole lab partner thing, which kind of sucks. Hopefully since it's Chemistry II I won't have a chance of having a total idiot for a partner.

Anyways, there's the longest update I've posted in a very long time and probably for a very long time. if any thing else pops into my head about classes I'll edit this later.
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