So, hey all, since no one is posting, I thought I would do something about it. Post a couple of older interviews I found, some information I found out through some bumps and forums, a couple official galleries with high quality shots of the show, and a semi-report of Megacon.
Long post is long.
PS: LJ doesn't seem hard to grip, but I'm still new to it. I tried doing a cut, but preserve the links so that you could click on them, but after testing it out, it didn't work with the LJcut and you have to copy and paste into the address bar. So, we'll see with this post if it works. Could someone point me in the right direction, please?
Megacon was interesting to say the least. Not much happen, at least for me, except tailing friends, looking for cosplays, and walking around the artist alley. Fun fun! Anyway, I was a little surprised to find two other Warden/Superjail cosplays other than the one my friend was wearing. One of them was the guy with the odd material for the outfit, another, and an inmate, a cardboard Jailbot, Twins (I think one of them was also mentioned here, the girl, anyway.) I say "semi-report" because I'm going to ask my Warden-friend if I could get a couple of the pictures he took, hoping for some better quality shots, and also if any of you would like to contribute. I thank Heavensong for putting these up though. There was one time where said friend was taking a picture of the other cast, and I thought it was rather amusing. *snerk* Of course the Warden would take a picture of himself. Anyway, they aren't the best, but it's getting some recognition.
Well, besides pictures, what about reception? Surprisingly, most people noticed immediately that my friend was the Warden. We only got one person wondering if he was Willy Wonka, and one man guessed he was the Riddler (wat), but other than that it was smooth sailing. Most people squealed, asked for a picture, or just were all happy and excited. Most of the pleasant gasping I heard came from guys, interesting. I asked said friend about how many people asked for a picture, and while I think he was exaggerating, on Friday he said twenty people. So, yeah, people are definitely noticing this gem of a cartoon.
I was looking online to find a picture of the Twins' voice actor, Richard Mather, trying to confirm if it was the guy who didn't say a word in the snippets of the New York Comic con clip and stumbled upon some interesting things. Well, here is just an interview, I didn't find anything groundbreaking with it other than the usual information, but regardless, it's an official interview: Now HERE is the interview I am impressed with- By god, this man went into detail with Karacas and Warbrick on not only the premise and characters of Superjail, but what spawned the idea, a little of the animating process, how scripts were dealt with, the inspirations of the show, their expectations with Flash, and even where they liked to drink. I thought this was just awesome, and you can tell how much pride they have with their work. Unfortunately, many of the commentors near the bottom didn't see otherwise. Well, screw them.
Yeah, old interviews, but they were done after the production of the ten episodes, so, psssh.
Here is some official artwork of the show I found, so in other words, not a pixel artifact in sight- Icons are now do want.
Annnndd this was the man who commented on K0r's blog, but I wanted to link him directly since his art deserves to be looked at. Holy shit. It looks so sharp and stylized, but has loads of dimension and detail. Did I also mention background shots of the show if you scroll down? No? Look- Also, old fanart I tried to post earlier. Fail is still fail, but who cares~ In retrospect, I should have drawn cords, bleh.
Now, some food for thought. I was browsing this forum- (Page 3, here, I believe)
Let me summarize this-
There were some bumps, probably from Adult Swim, that apparently gave out some information, which you can see in these forums. I thought it was curious, so, here we go:
Cancer was Jacknife's daughter. I just thought he met her when he hijacked the car.
The guy we have dubbed as Fireface from said episode is named Ash, apparently.
And for those who did not catch the New York Comic Con clip, she may be turned into a ghost come a second season.
There may be something else said in the forums I'm forgetting, so make sure you read through them. Some things probably need some real confirmation, but here is a start.
Now, originally I was looking for a picture of Richard Mather, and found out he's an animator and some tall biker guy who can make high pitched voices for his character. Awesome. This was quite an eventful day. B)
So, yeah, sorry if you saw all of these already. I just wanted to post something to get us out of this rut before we see a second season or not.