*Name: Shane
*Gender: FTM (I pull it off well, don't I?) Actually, I'm a male. I was born with a penis and a few over-sized testicles.
*Birthday: 8/16/84
*Where do you live? Fall Creek --I prefer to say Eau Claire, WI
*Who referred you/how did you find us? I was looking at
swissly's info.
*What is your favorite music genre? Art Rock. If it doesn't have pianos, violins, harmonicas, or any other instrument besides the usual, I don't like it as much.
*Who are your top five favorite bands? A Perfect Circle, Nirvana, Tool, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead
*Give us a sample play list of 10 songs:
1. Love Song - Cure
2. Me Against the Music - Madonna/Britney Spears
3. God Called in Sick Today - AFI
4. Vacant - APC (Tapeworm)
5. Everything Beautiful is Far Away - Grandaddy
6. Wrong Way (Sublime Cover) - Tool
7. Phantom of the Opera (Techno remix)
8. Head Like a Hole - NIN
9.Color Blind - Counting Crows
10. State Fair - Rasputina
*What is your favorite film genre? Indie, obscure, ect.
*What are your top three favorite movies? Mulholland Drive, Memento, Fight Club
*What top three favorite t.v. shows? Family Guy, Queer as Folk, What Not to Wear
*What are your top three favorite books and who are the authors? Survivor-Chuck Palahniuk, The Perks of Being a Wallflower (I don't remember the author's name. Sorry.), Farenheit 451- Ray Bradbury
*Which artistic medium do you appreciate the most? Drawing
*What are your top three favorite works and who are the artists? Two are by my friend Shasta and they do not have names, followed by the one by Salvador Dali with Jesus on the cross. It has a cool angle. I LOVE anything by Shasta and Dali.
*What is your favorite season? Winter--everything is dead and preparing for rebirth.
*What is your favorite holiday? My birthday.
What is your opinion on...
*reality shows: I liked reality television before it became popular; now it sucks (except for Real World, baby).
*drugs: Have used, but not not currently use. To each their own.
*organized religion: Hate it. Form of mind control. I consider organized religion the same as cults.
*war: War is not bad in itself. War is only bad when it is over-used. Countries must protect themselves sometimes. Everyone has defended him or herself at one point or another, so why should it be any different with countries?
*society and/or people in general: We have a love/hate relationship. If it weren't for society, I would be bored. But at the same time, the majority of people are not very intelligent.
*politics: When I get involved in politics, I get pissed off. So I tend to ignore this subject. I hate librals and I hate right-wingers. Remember the phrase "everything in moderation"? It's the same with politics. I'm in the middle. I have conservative and libral view-points.
*racism: It's natural for humans to judge one another, but it's idiotic to judge a person based on color. Judge by other things, like social status, income, and gender! I'm just kidding.
*President Bush: He has some good ideas, but overall, his policies are shit. I am not on nor will ever join the "Bush is stupid" bandwagon. If he were completly unintelligent, he wouldn't have become president in the first place.
*gay rights: I don't know about you, but I want to get married.
*abortion: Women's rights are spiffy, but abortion is not. While I support a woman's right to choose, I personally strongly dislike abortion. If I were to ever date a woman and I imprenate her, if she gets an abortion, I would no longer speak to her. Fathers have rights too, you know.
*If you could have lunch with any two people, who would they be? Why did you choose them? I want to have lunch with Maynard because he is an Aries and Aries and Leo (me) get along well, plus he's a fantastic artist. The second person I would want to have lunch with is....anybody else that is compatible astrologically with me because it would be good conversation.
* What do you think is the biggest problem with the world? Ego. Read it. Ayn Rand. 'Nuff said.
*Is the glass half-empty or half-full? Half full. I'm an optomist.
*If you could switch places with anyone, would you do it? If not, why? Whom would it be if you did? Why did you choose that person? I would switch places with anyone (successful person) living in New York because it would be cool to live in New York.
*If you could go back in time and assassinate someone (say Hitler, for example), would you? As much as I'd like to assassinate someone, it would never happen.
Finish the following sentences.
*Oh my god your penis is so big!
*Your pajamas are so 80's.
*Sometimes we're just not as cool as you, Shane.
*It's time for breakfest!
*That's a giant peacock.
Word association
*Catharsis Using big words now, aren't we?
*Ignorance is bliss.
*Luxurious New York; upper east side loft.
*Reference job application.
*Cosmic star-crossed.
*What is your education? High school degree, plus one semester of college coursework.
*What are your political and religious affiliations (please explain why)? I don't affliate myself with anything.
*If you could be a spokesperson for one topic, what would it be? Masturbation.
*Do you believe in the supernatural? Yes. I'm super. And I'm natural.
*What is your biggest pet peeve? Cliques, groups of people with the same interest who get together to talk about that. Let's socialize with different people and see what happens, eh?
*In five words or less, describe what kind of person you are. Nice Leo, Nice asshole, Nice.
*If you had the chance to fulfill one dream you've always had it would be.. I want to have a kickin' computer.
*If you could be alive during any time period, which one would it be? the 1920's.
*If you could live in another country besides the one you live in, which would it be and why? Germany, because they are bad-ass mo fos.
*Why do you think we should accept you? Beacuse I'm cool like that.
*What could you contribute to the community? My intelligence; good-looks; sense of human--er, I mean, humor; charming characterstic, ect.
*Why do you want to be a member of this community? Because I want to. That's why.
*What other communities are you in (if any)? A lot, mostly porn-orientated. Also, an APC and Tapeworm community.
*Is there anything not addressed on this questionnaire that you think we should know? I'm a flaming homosexual. So, since I'm queer, I want to be here and you'll have to get used to it.
*We don't vote on your looks, we're just curious. Post a picture of you.