For the next three days, I will be in camping somewhere northwest of Gettysburg with a bunch of people that I care about and a bunch of people that I don't know. I'm looking forward to it, especially seeing as how it'll really be the first true vacation (if you can call it that) that I'm having this summer.
I've made more than enough money this summer, but after rent and bills, gas - which has cost me an arm and a leg driving back and forth from Annapolis everyday, getting work done on my car, and spending foolishly, I really don't have much left to show for all the hard work I've put in. A part of me just wants to take the last week off before school starts up again to relax, maybe go to the beach and Atlantic City or at the very least, do absolutely nothing. But another part of me wants to make as much money as I can while I can.
There were so many things I wanted to do and so many places I wanted to go this summer, but something or another stopped me from doing it.
This summer went by too fast. It really did.
It's funny how with some people, when you read stuff they write, you can hear them actually saying it like the way they would. I guess it's not really that funny, but to me it is.
The Orioles are cursed. They've held a 57-59 record the past three years. It doesn't matter if they fool all of us into thinking they're improving and start out well like this did this year. But it always seems like they messed it all up by going on horrendous losing streaks or bad PR like this whole Raffy ordeal. But eh, I can't help it...I'll always be an Orioles fan.
After playing GTA, for some reason, I always want to go and kick someone's ass or go steal a car and run a few people over. Wow...these video games really are bad.