Jul 20, 2005 23:10
today i went to take marty and ryan out to look for video game we drove around and got trent then it was off to best buy and game stop on the way back i ran out of gass so we coasted into the manards parking lot we got in and i tryed to pop start it but it didnt work so some wounderful older gentalmen gave us a jump start then we were off to fill my car up and we did then we got pizza cuz after being there for about 1 hour we got hungery so we went and got pizza and rented the star was III game witch rocks my socks woot woot
just the day before my splash gard came loose and we went to with something to fix it we bought a toy wissle and used the string around it to fix it it was fun for some stupid resion being in stupid sutations and trying to find a way around it is fun for me idk but it sure was a intresting day thats for sure i have to get my tip good so i can beat trent in a game of 21 he tip me everythime and i cant tip him back u suck trent lol