This is me avoiding everything I need to be doing this week. I'm going to be kicking myself tomorrow (I'm already kicking myself, but I just can't get motivated), but tonight I'm choosing to write in my livejournal for the first time in probably two years. Pretty ridiculous.
I miss LJ, though. Writing in things like this is just another way I can get my thoughts together. These days, I have to write everything down or else I'll forget it. Shall I list all of the things I'm avoiding at the moment? (By the way, love the rich text option. I used to be so good with HTML, but I definitely dont remember anymore.)
- Read 40 pages of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe for World Lit
- Study for a huge Vocal Pedagogy test on wednesday
- Build a larynx, also for Vocal Ped, due friday (as in out of clay or something. A real model.)
- Review for my Chemistry lecture in case we have a quiz tomorrow (we probably do)
- Reminder to self! I just realized I still need to buy a calculator for that class. We finally need them.
- Read Lab #10 for my Chemistry lab tomorrow, and review Lab #9
- Grade the Music Theory tests I was given on friday (this isn't really my fault, Mr. Phillips hasn't given me the key for it yet)
- Learn Jazz choir music (maybe)
- Learn Chorale music (maybe)
- Pick out some Romantic Italian pieces for my voice studies
- Write a 3 page paper on Oedipus Rex for World Lit, due next tuesday (obviously not at the top of the list at the moment)
- Reserve a hotel room for our Province Officer
- Finalize the schedule for the Official Province Officer Visit this weekend
So, If you couldn't tell, I'm pretty busy this week. I'll get it all done at some point. This stuff isn't exactly optional. I'm just not doing it right now. And I'm at least on page 15 of Robinson Crusoe, which is better than nothing. I was reading it at work tonight. Stupid Valero. Work was actually really crazy tonight. A guy's car got stolen around 7:30, which was ridiculous. I've never had something like that happen at that store before. Although he left the keys in the car, so he was kind of asking for it. It just means I'll never do that ever again (I don't do it often in the first place). Then around 9:45, shortly before the next guy was supposed to be at work, the stupid cappaccino machine decided to pour tons of hot water all over the counter. That has NEVER happened before. It was ridiculous. I've always hated that machine, but this was definitely the deciding factor on exactly how much I hated it. So I spent about 20 minutes trying to figure out what to do about that machine between helping people. I finally figured it out shortly after Jeremy finally got to work. But it totally stressed me out, and since I'm trying to get over a cold, I'm really worried this is going to slow down how quickly I'm going to recover. I NEED to get better so I can stop being so tired, and therefore have energy for a couple of late nights being focused on things. Because in general I always stay up late, but usually it's with recreational reading or watching TV or something completely unproductive. Maybe I can get an adderol from someone or something. Just one night on that pill would probably fix all of my problems. We'll see.
Moving on! Well, not moving on. I think this is long enough. I want to spend some time fixing up the look of this silly blog.