Fic (X-Men): "Give and Take"

Feb 10, 2008 01:51

Title: Give and Take
Author: ragingpie
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Lucinda Guthrie, Tom Guthrie
Word Count: 145
Rating: G
Crossposted: guthrieville
Feedback: Is my bread and butter.
Summary: A good relationship requires give and take.

He gave her a friendly grin.

She took a shine to him.

He gave her a call the very next day.

She took a chance.

She gave him some not-so-subtle encouragement.

He took the hint and asked her out.

He took her dancing on their first date.

She gave him a kiss at the end of the night.

He took a bow as finished singing to her.

She gave him a round of applause.

She gave as good as she got.

He took it all in stride.

He took her by the hand and asked her to marry him.

She gave him a blinding smile as she said yes.

He gave her a simple gold band.

She took his breath away.

She took his name.

He gave her his heart.

She gave him ten beautiful children.

He gave her the best years of her life.

lucinda guthrie, x-men, fic, tom guthrie

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