Would you do meth if it was legalized?
No ma'am.
Are you for or against abortion?
I am opposed to abortion, but that doesn't mean that I think it should be banned. I don't like it when the government tells people what they can and can't do with their own bodies. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean everyone else should jump on my bandwagon.
Would our country (United States) fall with a woman president?
It depends on the woman president. I don't think gender has anything to do with it.
Do you believe in the death penalty?
In certain cases. I think a thirty seven year old man who gets a fourteen year old girl pregnant should die in a fire about twelve times.
A lady who came through my line today told me this story today. The guy behind her said, "I have two daughters over the age of eleven. Give me this motherfucker's name. I will kill him." I was in concurrence with this statement, minus the whole "I have two daughters..." part.
Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Goddammit yes. It's a fucking plant. Get over it and sit down.
Do you believe in God?
I believe that there is a higher power, but I think he/she is probably EXTREMELY PISSED at religion nowadays.
Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
YES MA'AM. Again, I really have an issue with personal opinions on things being passed as laws. You're not gay. Don't tell gay people what they can and can't do.
Do you think it’s wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
No, as long as they're doing it in a legal way. I do, however, have an issue with ENGLISH BOOKS in schools having SPANISH GLOSSARIES in the back. It's an English class. Hello?
A twelve year old girl has a baby...should she keep it?
I will have to say no to this, but I don't necessarily think the baby should be given up for adoption. If the girl's family is decent and willing to raise the child, I think it should stay in the family.
Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
People who are underage drink anyway. I don't mind that it's 21, and apparently nobody else does either. JUST DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE, IDIOTS.
Assisted suicide is illegal...do you agree?
I think it should be in some cases. If euthanasia is legal for animals (which I kind of have a problem with. Animals can't tell you "I want to die." so who are we to kill them?), it should be legal for people.
Do you believe in spanking your children?
Yes to a degree. Don't beat the fuck out of your kids, people. Use common sense.
Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Yes. It's a flag. It's also a million fucking dollars. Symbolism can kiss my ass in that case.
A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, do you agree?
No ma'am. I could maybe see insanity for murdering the first one, but if you kill five kids IN A ROW, you know what the fuck you're doing.
Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Probably, but AM I BOVVERED? XD