Jan 27, 2008 13:22
I can't tell if I'm disappointed in myself or if I'm making myself feel disappointed in myself. The incredible part is I don't feel anything. I'm numb about the whole experience. You'd figure I'd get the hearts in my eyes and be all about it, but really, I feel nothing. I don't know if that's something to celebrate. I refuse to believe that in my attempt to reset myself that I actually severed any emotional tie I have to things like these.
I really should just stop thinking. I am capable of feeling emotion though, especially around the end of November I really felt something. Nice to see that's all done and overwith... sucks.
Anyway, enough of overthinking about that.
The only thing worth thinking about these days is something I read recently and cannot shake: that we are creative when someone gives us the license to do so. Classes, projects, tasks... only in those types of environments are people creative. I know for me that's true.. especially when I'm in a relationship and I start making shit for someone all the time haha.
Off to the shower.
Life is good, hellweeks are over, the husband and I are on the best terms ever, and everyone is happy. Yay.
Go Giants